Getting connected to Eye of the World!

The easiest way to get connected is to click on the telnet link in the upper right corner of any page of this site. That link works just like this one does.

If you have a favorite mud client you can use it to connect to Eye of the World as well. Just set it up to connect to port 2222.

If you don't have a favorite mud client, you might prefer using the Eye of the World Java connection. This will only work if your system supports Java. Most web browsers do, but not all. Be warned that this will not allow you to evade firewall restrictions at your workplace or school.

Problems getting connected?

First, please make sure you have the address correct: port 2222 Some programs will have places for you to put the address/host and a separate place for the port. Make sure you have the address in the address slot and the port in the port slot. If you're on a program that doesn't have slots, such as normal telnet, you would just type it all on one line like this:

telnet 2222

Microsoft Telnet (Windows 2000) does things like so:


Then, from the telnet prompt...

open 2222

If you're sure you have all of the information in the correct spots, it may be possible that the MUD itself isn't up at the moment. Try back again in a few minutes. We will try to make this never happen, but if there are problems with the host, we won't be able to do much about this. If that is the case, THE WEBPAGE WILL STILL BE WORKING. The webpage being functional is not an indication of whether the MUD itself is functional.

There may be some arcane settings in the client you're using, that is prohibiting you from connecting. All we can say is fiddle with the settings, and maybe ask someone who has that client. When our MUD client is finished, it should eliminate all those problems.

If you've tried everything else, you can try mailing the admin at and we can see about helping you out.

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